

music styles: deep, electro, progressive house & trance

born & place of living:  November 1981, Austria

He showcased his talent behind the turntable in 1993, as a 12-year-old boy. He had a positive approach to music and technology at an early age. He started as a DJ at private venues of a rather slow character, however, he gained even more experience which he started to use at the public performances in 2004, when he started in Italy (Marotta) and Switzerland as a resident dj at prestigious summer and winter events. There he realized the direction he wants to go and what makes his life complete in all respects.

He’s the type of DJ that prefers an action – dance style, also known as vocal and progressive house. In 2007 he came with his own two-hour dance session at Radio Sity called “Rande v Cirkuse Barok“ (“Date at Circus Baroque“). During the show which aired more than a year, he began to interconnect his experiences with the production of the dance sector.

He introduced his music mixing skills in Maldives in 2011 and the project “Soundtonic“ in collaboration with DJ MyGee figured out one year later. The year 2014 was full of self-improvement on the production and musical projects. Year 2015 broughts Switzerland Music Tour in Mürren and Saas Fee almost 6 months contract and one year later was Emily & Justice Music Tour project in clubs of Czech and Slovak republic. This period showed him new opportunities for cooperation with DJs and producers at home and abroad. Currently he’s continuously working on new musical projects, international music tours and live gigs round the world. End of the year 2017 has started his live performance again in Switzerland, City Lenk.

In 2018 starts slowly co-operation with artist Ray Paeron in new world music projects as Cube tv and Fashion TV & Bar Wien. This same project is every tuesdays on Radio Viva in radio show broadcasting from 8PM on frequencies 93,3, 94,1 and 101,1 as for domestic audience / listeners and as live stream too, where you can listen my 1 hour guest mix as SoundTonic.


hudobný štýl: deep, electro, progressive house & trance

rok narodenia a miesto pobytu:  November 1981, Slovensko

Prvý krát sa postavil za mix, keď sa písal rok 1993, to mal vtedy 12 rokov. Už odmalička, mal pozitívny prístup k hudbe a technike. Začínal ako DJ na súkromných akciách. Jeho začiatky, boli skôr pomalšieho charakteru, no o to viac skúseností získaval, ktoré neskôr začínal pretavovať pri verejnej produkcii v roku 2004, keď začal pôsobiť v TALIANSKU (Marotta) a Švajčiarsku ako rezidentný DJ. Tam si uvedomil svoj smer, akým sa chce poberať a čo ho bude v živote naplňať po všetkých stránkach. Je to dj, ktorý preferuje akčný – tanečný štýl , už teraz všetkým známy pod menom vocal a progressive house. V roku 2007 na to prišla vlastná dvojhodinová tanečná relácia v radiu Sity „Rande v Cirkuse Barok“ na viac ako jeden rok, kde začal svoje skúsenosti prepajať s produkciou v oblasti tanečnej sféry.
Roku 2011 odštartoval svoje pôsobenie na MALDIVES a rok na to prišiel projekt SoundTonic v spolupráci s djom MyGee, kde popri nespočetných klubových eventoch prišla na rad ďaľšia medzinárodná music tour vo Švajčiarsku a o rok na to Emily & Justice Music Tour 2016 v českej a slovenskej republike. Koniec roka 2017 sa opäť úspešne vydal na svoju show vo Švajčiarsku v meste Lenk. V roku 2018 v spolupráci s Ray Paeron naštartoval hudobné projekty, v maďarsku a rakúsku, o ktorých budete určite o chvíľu počuť viac. A aby toho nebolo málo, tak každý utorok večer od 20.00 možete počuť môj hosťovský hodinový mix na rádiu VIVA v relácii CUBE RADIO SHOW na frekvanciách 93,3 , 94,9 a 101,1 Mhz pre metropolitných poslucháčov a taktiež ako internet live stream. Určite zostante tento rok parádne a hudobne naladení spolu s dj SoundTonic, pretože sa toho chystá ešte oveľa viac a vy nemôžete chýbať 🙂